WP1: Project management.

Objective: To facilitate smooth co-operation between the project partners and ensure quality realisation of all project objectives within the proposed scope, time, and legal frame, and with planned financial resources.


  • Quality and Risk Contingency Plan [M3].
  • Annual Progress Reports [M12, M24].
  • Final Project Report [M36].

WP2: Definitions and unified taxonomy of features.

Objective: To specify domain-dependent feature repertoires and descriptions, as well as methods for their interpretation. To introduce a unified domain-independent taxonomy of features on top of these feature repertoires.


WP3: Feature detection, compression, and data restoration.

Objective: To develop the procedures for feature detection in an input data stream, adapt existing lossless data compression algorithms, and develop the method for data restoration from features.


  • Programming library (API) with sufficient functionality for system operation [M21].
  • Test program for library verification [M21].

WP4: Feature selection and optimised residual determination.

Objective: To develop algorithms for feature selection from the feature set, detected in a source data stream, in order to achieve a compromise between the size of compressed feature and residual streams, and the ability to restore the data according to the requirements of the selected compression mode.


  • Supplemented programming library (API) with full functionality for two-way conversion between source data and compressed features and residuals [M30].
  • Instructions for using and extending the programming library [M30].

WP5: Component integration and hypothesis testing.

Objective: To integrate the components of the COMPROMISE programming library into four pilot applications in the domains of raster images, digital audio, biomedical signals, and sparse voxel grids. To conduct experiments for the project hypothesis testing.


  • Test applications for all four pilot domains [M32].
  • Report about analysis results, meeting the key performance indicators and hypothesis testing, which will be included in the final COMPROMISE report [M36].

WP6: Dissemination, exploitation, and communication.

Objective: To maximise the project impact by promoting its results to scientific and other interested groups through scientific publications and organisation of events.


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