Generalized Symmetries and Equivalences of Geometric Data

PEČNIK, S., BRUMEN, M., REPNIK, B., VLAHEK, D., MONGUS, D. Geographic Information System with Symmetry Detection Support, Based on GeMMA Fusion Suite, 2023.

LUKAČ, L., PODGORELEC, D., ŽALIK, B. An Algorithm for Local Reflection Symmetry Detection in Earth Observation Data, 2023.

PODGORELEC, D., LUKAČ, L., ŽALIK, B. An Algorithm for Local Rotational Symmetry Detection in Earth Observation Data, 2023.

ŽALIK, B., PODGORELEC, D., NERAT, A. An Algorithm for Estimating Global Reflection Symmetry Accelerated by the Divide and Conquer Strategy, 2023.

LOVENJAK L., PODGORELEC D., ŽALIK B., An Algorithm for Local Reflection Symmetry Detection in Raster Images
