Work Package (WP)Task (T)Start monthEnd month
WP 1: Project management136
To coordinate the project activities towards the fulfilment of the objectives within the defined schedule and allocated budget.
D1.1 – Quality Management and Risk Contingency Plan [M2]
D1.2 – Annual progress reports [M12, M24, M36]
D1.3 – Final project report [M36]
T1.1 Administrative project management136
T1.2 Financial management136
T1.3 Quality assurance and knowledge management136
WP 2: Requirements and data holdings116
To provide all specifications for ensuring the access to the required data, implementing pilot scenarios, and successful hypothesis testing. These specifications shall address integration of data sources and open services, instructions for new data acquisition needed for development of data models, and system integration protocols, enabling the integration of targeted services into WP5.
D2.1 – Pilot requirements and hypothesis validation criteria [M4]
D2.2 – Data access rules specification [M6]
T2.1 Pilot requirements and hypothesis testing specifications14
T2.2 Data sources and data access316
T2.3 New data acquisition from archive data sources416
WP3: Data preprocessing and structuring619
WP3 shall be focused on developing new algorithms for processing the input data into different topologies, and finally merging them into a single 4D augmented model, which will serve as the basis for running environmental simulations.
D3.1 – Data preprocessing algorithms and WMS/WCS/WFS services [M17]
D3.2 – Data structuring algorithms and WPS services [M19]
T3.1 Data filtering and preprocessing617
T3.2 4D data structuring819
WP4: Environmental simulation algorithms1829
WP4 shall introduce a new methodology for environmental simulation algorithms based on hybrid CFD. This shall also include developing a new methodology for connecting low-level structures with simulation parameters, as well as new hybrid turbulence and boundary conditions modelling.
D4.1 – Environmental simulations algorithms and WPS services [M27]
D4.2 – Framework for parallelization of environmental simulation algorithms [M29]
T4.1 Environmental simulations1827
T4.2 Parallelization using GPGU2029
WP5: Component integration and piloting2736
WP5 is intended to realize the three pilots by combining multiple environmental simulation algorithms results. The WP5 shall integrate the pilot applications into an GIS platform as thematic map layers and be responsible for their run-time administration.
D5.1 – Operational system, deployed HPC RIVR infrastructure [M30]
D5.2 – Operational pilots, deployed on testing infrastructure and Operational Performance Verification Report [M34]
D5.3 – Service Utility Assessment and Road Map [M36]
T5.1: Component integration2730
T5.2: Pilot application integration and testing2934
T5.3: Demonstration review and elaboration of a roadmap3236
WP6: Dissemination, exploitation, and communication136
Focus on maximising the impacts of the project by promoting it to the scientific and other interested communities through scientific publications and organisation of dedicated events.
D6.2 – Online blogs and vlogs [M22, M31, M35]
D6.3 – Scientific publications [M22, M31, M35]
D6.4 – Open source code publishing [M22, M31, M35]
D6.5 – Open data publishing [M31, M35]
D6.6 – Exploitation strategy [M23]
T6.1 Dissemination strategy136
T6.2 Dissemination and communication activities736
T6.3 Exploitation strategy736

Project milestones:

Milestone 1 (MS1) [M6]: heterogenous EO-based data sources and streams shall be aggregated, as well as pilot requirements specifications shall be defined.

Milestone 2 (MS2) [M20]: The data processingand filtering shall be completeValidation of structured input data shall be complete, as well as proof of concept of various environmental simulations using 4D structure, while their parallelization using GPGPU shall begin

Milestone 3 (MS3) [M30]: Parallelization of the developed environmental simulations shall be complete. Verification of component integration, where the developed OGC-compliant services for environmental simulations shall become fully interoperable with the existing HPC RIVR infrastructure and open GIS platform. The three pilots shall be fully established and ready for demonstration to various stakeholders

SAMPA is a basic research project No. J7-50095 is financed by Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency.

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