Period: 01.10.2019 – 28.02.2023
TOTAL BUDGET: 13.038.305 €
GEMMA COORDINATOR: assoc. prof. dr. Domen Mongus
Project website: IPOT.SI
Integrated pilot environment of sustainable smart city mobility
The purpose of the iPOT project is to establish and integrate into a demonstration environment an integrated mobility platform of the next generation, which will, first of all, as a unique product on a global scale, enable the collection and processing of large amounts of data in real time. The project covers the field of mobility, transport, logistics, the key objective of which is to increase the mobility of people and goods by enabling reliable, flexible, accessible, safer and greener urban and suburban services. The development of modules will be aimed at increasing security in parking lots, which aims to strengthen security in smart cities both in the field of public and private security. Ultimately, we will also be directly involved in the field of the quality of urban living, the key objective of which is to raise the quality of life in urban environments by ensuring sustainable, green, sustainable economic and social development.
The key objectives of the project are:
Establishment of a traffic control room
Implementation of dynamic traffic regimes
Smart parking
Integrated payment of mobility services
Due to its modularity, the iPOT solution represents the basis for effective global planning of other models of sustainable mobility in various urban agglomerations around the world.
The iPOT project is sustainable, which is expressed through the pillar of environmental, social and economic sustainability. The concept of the iPOT solution emphasizes the importance of activating the sustainable regulation of the urban environment, based on the principles of Industry 4.0 and looking towards the advanced Industry 5.0. where the essence is connecting smart digital solutions and people. The consumption of fossil fuels and emissions of CO2 and solid particles to which the urban population is exposed will be reduced. The use of blockdown technology will increase safety in urban environments, improve general health, well-being and quality of living in cities. The relief of state welfare and the optimization of the economic welfare of consumers are the key effects from the economic point of view of the sustainability of the project.
UM FERI (GeMMA) is participating in the project as an external contractor.