Period: 21. 10. 2021 – 20. 03. 2022
GEMMA CONTACT: prof. dr. Domen Mongus
Architecture and management plan for a cross-management infrastructure for spatial information
The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning is the holder of a multitude of spatial data within the national infrastructure, as it manages over a hundred databases in the field of spatial, environmental, nature, water and real estate, which serve as a source of reference for other users, but it is not the only manager and provider of spatial data. Within the Ministry, there are different areas of work within directorates, offices, agencies and constituent bodies. As a result, different internal and external data flows are generated, both internally and at national level, as well as in interaction with the EU (e.g. environmental reporting, INSPIRE2 transfer).
In terms of information architecture, IT organisation and spatial data infrastructure, there is no single, validated model within the Ministry that can effectively support future information society requirements and upcoming projects within the Ministry and more broadly at national level.
The task will provide guidance and a roadmap for the establishment of an in-house spatial data management infrastructure for the Ministry, as well as guidance and a roadmap for the establishment of a common national spatial infrastructure.