
CGAI merges with GeMMA

CGAI merges with GeMMA 150 150 wproot

CGAI (Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence) Lab joined GeMMA. Number of members increased to 25. First partnerships with global vendors secured.

New leadership

New leadership 150 150 wproot

Prof. Domen Mongus has taken the torch from Prof. Borut Žalik to lead the GeMMA Lab. Gemma Fusion Suite full-stack solution deployed in over 10 production environments. GeMMA Lab. counted over 30 members.

Laboratory renamed

Laboratory renamed 150 150 wproot

Lab has been renamed to Laboratory for Geospatial Modelling, Multimedia and Artificial intelligence. Over 20 ongoing projects. GeMMA Lab. counted 28 members.

International recognition

International recognition 150 150 wproot

GeMMA Lab counted 21 members. G2-Farad lab facility added to GeMMA team. First international research award won. Membership in the executive committee of European Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information extended.

New lab facility

New lab facility 150 150 wproot

Several new national & international R&D projects. GeMMA Lab counted 12 members. Obtained G2-Weber lab facility at UM FERI.

Birth of GeMMA Lab

Birth of GeMMA Lab 150 150 wproot

Laboratory for Geometric Modelling and Multimedia Algorithms (GeMMA), established by prof. Borut Žalik. The Lab counted 4 members.

First R&D projects

First R&D projects 150 150 wproot

New projects collaboration with GURS & IGEA. GeMMA Lab counted 6 members.

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