In accordance with the mentioned methods of development in the proposed project three major developmental phases and associated milestones are expected:
- Phase 1 provides the basic development activities related to the study of the problem, data collection and the establishment of the essential information infrastructure. This phase ends after the first year of development, which is where we expect to complete the implementation of decomposition for key earth observation data types (LiDAR data and data from the Copernicus system) into basic elements and their successful integration into a complex network. Despite the complex network will not be enriched, the network will be visualized together with the original data.
- Phase 2 represents the core scientific and research activities, which will occur in the second and partly in the third year of the project. The focus will be on the development of methods for enrichment of the basic elements, on improving the accuracy of the links in the complex network (tuning influence functions), and on complex semantic structures recognition. Analytical tools for comparing the complex network will be developed.
- Phase 3 focuses on activities related to the confirmation of the hypotheses. This phase provides termination of the user application, and its testing by the domain expert. For this purpose, additional data acquisitions will be performed.
Depending on the time structure of the planned project the activities are composed in the relevant work packages (WP). The proposed structure provides two work packages, whose set of activities will be carried-on throughout the whole duration of the project. These are related to the management of the project (WP 1) and dissemination activities (WP 7), the purpose of both is to ensure the success of the project. Due to the effective implementation of scientific research and technological activities, work packages (WP 3, WP 4, WP 5) will be strongly related. During those WPs, the core software and infrastructure solutions will be provided and their mutual functioning is crucial for the success of the project. WP 2 and WP 6 will cover the activities necessary for a proof of concepts and for testing the research hypotheses.